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苏珊米勒(作)   星座网   2014-03-15 10:26:39










You might be able to have an easygoing conversation with your partner. As Venus and Mars align gracefully, you may feel more comfortable than usual to talk about sensitive topics or those that test your ability to get across complex concepts. As a result, it may be a good time for capturing your ideas in a recorded fashion, such as a memo or email that allows you to summarize your thoughts succinctly.




With Mars in Libra, you may be motivated to be expressive with your opinions. You may be able to complete whatever you choose today. It may be an excellent time to do something very different and creative. You may have an extra special artistic touch that shines through. Why not take advantage of that lovely glow and let it shine for all to see?


You may be on the brink of an important transition as Mars moves through an important sector of your life. Conversations with your significant partner may bring many topics to the surface that require action or acknowledgement. This can be a fruitful place to be, overall, if used appropriately. You may be at an important juncture in your relationship, and if you can wield this energy, you may be surprised at what comes of it.





水瓶座:—— (星座www.shenpowang.com)

Your opinions might be associated with a goal or dream. You may have a real vision of what you want to happen and you may set your eyes on the prize. The trick, of course, is finding the right tool or skill set to get the job done properly and for the greater. With that in mind, you may be especially motivated to broaden your offerings by more education or greater exposure through travel.


You may be collating information gathered from one of your recent business ventures. Taking stock may be a useful exercise, simply because it gives you a much better idea of the progress you have made. This may also prove useful for planning any new direction forward as well. You may see that the only way to learn is through the stumbles you had in the past. Looking back, you may be able to clearly see what worked and what didn't.

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